Early Intervention in Literacy
What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention is systematic instruction provided by a specialist to a student or group of students who are at risk of or not meeting certain standards in learning for their age group or grade.
The Early Intervention Program in Literacy at The Country School was developed for children who need supplemental early literacy support in grades K-2. This program is in addition to the high quality reading instruction that is happening in the classrooms. Children are recommended for this program because they are at or below benchmark on standard grade level assessments. These students then receive direct instruction from the Reading Specialist 3-5 times each week for 6-12 weeks. This work is most often done in small groups, but may also include one on one. This time and grouping is dependent on need, placement, and progress. Work between the classroom teacher and the Reading Specialist is critical in maintaining consistency and providing the best support for each child. Early intervention and explicit instruction are essential in preventing further difficulties for them as readers.