5 Tips in creating lifelong readers:
Perhaps the best gift you can give to your child is the gift of learning to read.
Choice- allowing children the opportunity to shop and pick our books that match their interest is critical in motivation
Read, Read, Read, Read, Read-Remember practice makes perfect - this is true for reading too! Children should read EVERY NIGHT!
Model -"Set a good example"-Making reading part of YOUR everyday life models its importance and children then want to do the same.
Read Aloud to your child-Research proves that reading to your child as early as during pregnancy is strongly linked to reading success. They are never too old to be read to-As children get older, reading aloud is a critical means of building vocabulary. Take the opportunity while you can!
Not too easy, not too hard-You know the story of The Three Bears? Think of that when helping your child pick out books. Children make the best progress in their reading when they are reading books that are JUST RIGHT.