Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Teacher collaboration

               Our teachers are TRULY lifelong learners -
always sharing ideas and talking about ways to get even better!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Reading Workshop

Head of School, John Fixx, joins the Second Graders 
for Reading Workshop- as they
 practiced retelling a story
"across their hand"!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

"You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend." — Paul Sweeney

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Writing Ideas

Fourth graders review their minilesson on how they will use their writer's notebook this year. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Beginning reading

Our youngest readers, on the 5th day of school, finding and circling words they know in a letter from their teacher!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Happy New Year

As teachers, we are always so excited to begin a new school year. As August rounds the corner of summer, our minds start planning for our school year. We spend hours upon hours at Summer's end, in our classrooms preparing for our students.....and then it's here-the first day! 
The eager students, the tearful parents-are all anticipating that first day of school. And just like that-it happens! The routine is set and we fall right back into our new schedules.
I love hearing about the adventures of summer vacations. I love hearing about favorite books children have read-and new ones they recommend. Teachers across campus are asking children to think about their favorite characters, favorite books they just could not put down-and to write about a favorite summer memory. Teachers are sharing with their students about their own reading life. Excitement fills the air. 
All are setting goals for the year. Goals we call "hopes and dreams". It's a new year and it's happy and it's a fresh start for everyone and we are so quickly taken by it-so quickly right back into the swing of it all. 
Set those goals, achieve those goals-but take time to read-like in those carefree summer days! Take time to breath and enjoy the routine of a new school year, the possibilities that await in the year ahead-

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Writing Time

Kinders write everyday. This kinder is using all the tools he needs to write a postcard.

A visit from first grade

A special visit in the Learning Center from a special group of first graders. Just coming in to say hello and share some books!

Word Study

Third Graders study words in a variety of ways. 

Here they are using the common spelling pattern to figure out the rule, Then recording them in their Word Study Journals.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

After School read a thon

On December 9th, students in Grades 1-5 enjoyed a 60 minute after school Read a thon to help celebrate the 60th day of school!
What's better than spending the afternoon cozied up with a good book and a good friend!

Book Clubs

Second Graders began book clubs - what's better than reading and discussing books with friends and teachers!